Rehmat ul lil Alameen trust,a brain child of Agha Qambar Ali Qarrati, was established in 2015 in Islamabad, Pakistan.

Who we are

The aim of the trust was to provide boarding, lodging, health and education facilities to the most deserving orphans of the community.

Joining hands with Agha Qambar Ali, Agha Sabir Hussain, Agha Muhammad Hussain Alvi, Agha Zamin Hussain Sabri and Agha Arshad Najafi launched the activities after acquiring a premises and housing 8 children from Northren Areas, Parachinar and Province of Punjab, Pakistan.

These children were the offspring of victims of terrorism, who had no other support of any kind available to them. Over the period the number of children since increased to 16 , the trust had to move to a bigger house paying a rent of Rs. 35000/month.

Mission & Vision

We have decided to acquire a piece of land and construct a purpose built accommodation for the children and staff to save on the monthly rent on permanent basis and provide comfortable living to the children.

The search for a suitable piece of land is on and it is estimated that the cost of land and construction thereon will come to approximately Rs5 crores.

We are, therefore, approaching you with a request to kindly come forward and help us in achieving this objective, which will prove to be a source of continuous blessing of Almighty Allah in this world and in hereafter for all of us.

We believe that everyone deserves support in a food, shelter, education, and healthcare facilities.

Agha Qamabar , co-founder

+61 (0) 383 766 284